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Extra gel skin softener


  • Professional gel with 40% urea, probiotic, extracts and peptides for intensive softening, prevents the growth of bacteria and promotes the generation of healthy cells. Active components activate the regeneration of damaged tissues and accelerate the process of exfoliation of calluses and calluses. The gel helps to cope with corns of any complexity, returns a feeling of comfort and makes it possible to wear any shoes without hindrance. The complex perfectly moisturizes dry skin, prevents excessive loss of moisture, strengthens the natural protection of the epidermis against aggressive external agents and promotes rapid healing of microcracks. It can be used on the keratinized part of the knees and elbows. A unique development of the LLC PHARMES laboratory. Professional gel that makes the skin elastic, beautiful and healthy. Every day, the skin of the feet and legs is exposed to great pressure and endures great loads. Inconvenient shoes, improper hygiene and other factors make the epidermis react accordingly, as a result of which calluses and corns form on the feet. "The Medical AVANZA" gel will help to get rid of these unpleasant consequences. The gel has a light consistency and anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal effects. The tool penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and cells, acting selectively on the membranes of pathogenic microorganisms, causing the death of bacteria
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