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  • HEMOBLOCK (Hemoblock) is a hemostatic solution for local use. The professional preparation combines hemostatic and antiseptic properties. It is used in the treatment of wound surfaces and post-operative procedures (bandages, treatment of wounds, cuts and sutures). Prevents the development of wound infection, the bactericidal effect is expressed by all known strains of bacteria, including resistant intrahospital strains. HEMOBLOCK - does not show an irritating, toxic, resorptive or allergic effect, does not have a side effect on the fabric. Hemostatic solution HEMOBLOCK is widely used in clinical practice: in general, purulent and vascular surgery, urology and gynecology, gastroenterology and proctology, plastic surgery and stomatology, including maxillofacial surgery, in the treatment of burns. HIGH HEMOSTATIC ACTIVITY. The composition of the components in a given chain length and configuration leads to a rapid stoppage of bleeding without adverse effects on the tissues in contact. ANTISEPTIC EFFECT. Particles of the colloidal complex (silver, copper, zinc) have a preventive effect on wound infection and postoperative inflammation, as they have a pronounced antimicrobial activity against most microorganisms. THE UNIQUENESS AND ADVANTAGES OF THE PREPARATION: ■ When interacting with blood plasma proteins (mainly albumin), HEMOBLOCK forms an elastic flow ■ Speed of action (hemostasis occurs in 1-2 minutes) ■ There are no repeated bleedings ■ It works in case of blood coagulation disorders (hemophilia) ■ Ease of use ( liquid form, antiseptic effect) ■ Safety (applied locally, does not affect tissues - pH-neutral) ■ Does not have a burning, astringent or irritating effect ■ During surgical interventions using HEMOBLOCK in the postoperative period, an increase in the number of leukocytes and intravascular thrombi are not observed are not formed ■ Wounds heal by primary tension of the suture without suppuration ■ Does not affect the hemostasis function in the general blood flow.
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